This means that the cards are in fashion will be 64x (and should be 32), but with the number of respawn points as 32 card.

But note that it uses the data from the single-player maps. If you want, it is possible to find, download and install the COOP mod 3.0. There, click open and specify the path to the file AIDefault.ai (the default C:\Program Files\BattleField 2\mods\bf2\AI\AIDefault.ai), select runner number of bots and kryzhyk their level. If You want to reduce the number of bots, or change their level, run C:\Program Files\Battlefield 2\Battlefield 2 bots\bf2modify.exe. To select it instead of the usual during the game, when you select gear at the top right of the image primary weapon press the button marked with the up and down arrows. Now Battlefield 2 will run with 63 bots level Expert, at 64 the map, with the number of points for each side is equal to 1000. If you unpack to the correct folder, it will ask You whether to overwrite files.

Then everything is possible server.zip delete or rename pre-selected in the same window of Windows search.Ĥ. If You have installed Winrar, then most likely it will be to do if you run a Windows search for files server.zip in the folder C:\Program Files\BattleField 2\mods\bf2\Levels\, and from the context menu after pressing right-click to select each file extract to current folder. Then rename server.zip in server.bak or delete it. This is necessary to avoid errors with files *.md5 and confusion.Ģ.In each folder that contains the file level - that is, for example, in the folder C:\Program Files\BattleField 2\mods\bf2\Levels\Dalian_plant unzip the file server.zip in the same folder where it is stored. Installed Battlefield 2 in C:\Program Files\Battlefield 2. If the game has already been installed, remove it and three to the folder where it was installed and Smo Documents\Battlefield 2.

So, let's say that my method works with all versions of Battlefield 2 - like the pirate and the official. In fact, I just collected and systematized their advice. Many thanks Gabrial, MogilichiK, SledopbIt and roof3d.

I enjoyed all the topics for a single game. How to improve Battlefield 2 for a single game (instructions) How to improve Battlefield 2 single player (Battlefield 2)