The ICAO definition for "Landing distance" is usually taken as the basis for the determination of Landing Distance Required (LDR) which is calculated by taking into account the effect of various influencing factors, including aeroplane mass and configuration including MEL-items, pressure altitude, wind, outside air temperature, runway slope and approach speed increments as well as prevailing surface conditions and the extent to which aircraft devices which are available to assist deceleration are deployed. Note: The terms Landing Distance Required (LDR) and Landing Distance Available (LDA) routinely defined in aircraft landing performance documentation are not defined for fixed wing aeroplanes in ICAO SARPs. The maximum planned landing weight, as limited by the factored landing distance available at destination or alternate. Means a landing distance that is achievable in normal operations based on landing performance data and associated procedures determined for the prevailing conditions at the time of landing. Landing Distance at time of arrival (LDTA). Source: EASA AIR -OPS Annex I - Definitions Landing Distance Available (LDA). The length of the runway which is declared available by the appropriate Authority and is suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing. and Part IIIB Sub-part B Paragraph B2.7 e) (Source: ICAO Annex 8 Part IIIA Paragraph

Landing Distance. The horizontal distance traversed by the aeroplane from a point on the approach path at a selected height above the landing surface to the point on the landing surface at which the aeroplane comes to a complete stop.