What should we do with our table? Go over the same steps all over again? No, things aren't as hard as they look. What is more, there are only two managers left to process these orders. But in time more orders have been placed so that we require additional rows in the table. So, we started to quickly fill our table in Google Sheets with checkboxes and drop-down lists. How to copy checkboxes to another range of cells For a more eye-catching look, you can add some colors to your drop-down list. For that, we create a spreadsheet #2 to place our reference information there. We need to see which order was accepted by which manager and whether the order is executed. Suppose we have a spreadsheet #1 with the chocolate orders from various regions. And for that Google Sheets offers checkboxes. The most basic and simple list has two answer options - yes and no.

How to insert checkboxes in Google Sheets Add a checkbox to your table I hope by now you do understand the advantages of such lists and ready to try and create one. It saves time, speeds up the process of creating the table and eliminates typos. Have you noticed my word choice? You won't enter the value - you will choose only one from the list.

That is why Google tables have an option to create lists with values: the values from which you will choose only one when filling the cell. What is more, it's a waste of time to enter one and the same value all over again. You will need to search for the misspelt names, correct them and count again. Have you ever wondered how these tiny typos threaten your work? When it comes to counting the number of orders each employee has processed, you will see that there are more names than people you have. You can type in another letter or miss the verb ending by mistake. What problems may occur? Well, the most common one is the misspelling. In other words, we have a list of variants and we want to select only one of them to input to a cell. Or the order statuses - sent, paid, delivered, etc.

For example, the employees' names who work on some orders or with various clients. Very often we need to insert repeated values to one column of our table. What is a drop-down list in Google Sheets and why you may need one